High Temperature Insulation Solutions for the Military Sector
Being under fire, and fire itself, are threats to military personnel and assets, which is why high temperature insulation solutions play a crucial role in the military sector.
Elmelin’s mica-based and microporous insulation solutions have critical applications for the military, including: thermal protection and fire proofing for military transport; heat shields; and protection for data recorder boxes.
Military Vehicle Protection
Among the threats military vehicles may typically face are landmines, mortar fire and IED attacks. However, the occupants of these vehicles also need protection from heat and noise within the vehicles themselves.
Consequently, high temperature insulation solutions for military vehicles must serve this dual purpose: it needs to provide high-grade protection against external elements involving intense heat and explosives; but it must also consider how best to ensure drivers and passengers are not at risk from the environment of the actual vehicle.
Military vehicles are typically powered by large diesel engines, which generate large amounts of heat and noise. Specifications for these vehicles put limits on how much heat and noise occupants can be exposed to. For the vehicle to function effectively, it must ensure that temperatures in the driver’s cab do not become unbearable. Furthermore, it is also vital that high temperature insulation can protect the vehicle’s own engine components.
Therefore, designers of military vehicles must factor in the potential damage that excessive levels of heat and noise can bring, and include the necessary elements in vehicle design to lessen these risks.
Thermal and acoustic insulation includes material such as shock absorbers and products to dampen noise volume, such as floor matting. Some insulation may also need to be impact-resistant in case of potential shrapnel damage.
One key function of high temperature insulation solutions for military vehicles is providing heat shields. Heat shields are also a vital part of military weapons technology.
High Temperature Insulation Solutions in Military Heat Shields
This kind of thermal insulation needs to absorb heat from the vehicle’s engine and ensure it deflects it away from the vehicle’s cab. Specialised heat shields protect the functionality of military vehicles and help extend their effective lifespan.
Also, while protecting vehicle occupants and sensitive electrical components, heat shields are a form of protection when it comes to concealing or reducing heat output for military tactical reasons.
For example, armoured vehicle require heat insulation for exhausts to prevent them giving off thermal signals which would alert hostile forces to their location. This same principle applies to firearms, where heart shields can prevent the heat from gun barrels giving off thermal signals. Heat shields therefore act to disguise the deployment of personnel and vehicles in the field
Fire Proofing Functions and Capabilities
For the military, any thermal protection it uses must be both effective and supremely practical. Therefore issues of weight and portability come into play. The military sector requires heat insulation solutions that will offer a safe, fire-proofing alternative to asbestos, but also be lightweight and adaptable.
Elmelin’s high temperature insulation solutions based on mica sheets, mica shapes and microporous insulation technology offer this degree of lightweight versatility, coupled with excellent fire-resistant performance.
Fire-proofing applies to vehicle bodywork, to interiors and to vital, structural elements.
It also applies increasingly to unmanned aerial vehicles, as the increased use of drones means these pieces of high-tech military kit require their own form of protection against intense heat.
As such, fire-proofing is a major consideration in military tactical deployment of equipment and transport.
Insulation for Military Data Recorders
As in the aerospace industry, black box data recorders are essential for both data recovery and research purposes. These recorders are a vital source of information following any incident or accident involving military vehicles, providing accurate records when investigators need to find out exactly what has occurred.
The key thing with military data recorders is their resilience and durability. They must be able to withstand extreme conditions or events, including fire and explosive impact.
With a mica insulation layer, the black box data recorder is protected from high pressure, velocity and extremes of temperature. This fire resistant and flame-retardant insulation and thermal protection helps ensure the integrity of the recorder and its valuable data.
Insulating Parts
As with other sectors, the military now depends heavily on digital and electrical communications in both its equipment and infrastructure. Consequently, it is vital that sensitive, operational components are sufficiently protected.
Mica provides essential insulation in for electrical items and systems, in the same way as it does for electrical components in consumer appliances and in the power electronics industry.
Furthermore, mica’s versatility as a heat insulation material makes it ideal for shaping into vital parts routinely used by the military, such as gaskets.
As a sealing device, the gasket creates a pressure-tight seam between various component materials. These seals must be tough and durable, and able to withstand all kinds of pressure and punishment, including very high temperatures.
Thermal Solutions for Today’s Military
Thermal solutions for the military sector face the same challenge as in other, transport-related industries, namely, working to protect against extreme heat generated by advanced electronics. Additionally, however, there is the whole question of extreme external conditions, including combat situations.
If you are looking for specialised high temperature insulation solutions, please talk to us. You can call +44 20 8520 2248, email sales@elmelin.com or fill in our enquiry form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.