Levels of conductivity are the main difference between conductors, semiconductors and insulators. Conductors display high conductivity, which means they allow energy, such as electricity, heat or sound, to easily flow through them. Whereas semiconductors allow a moderate flow and insulators exhibit low conductivity. …
There are over 30 different types of mica in the mica group of minerals. However, there are a few that have a very common rate of occurrence – making up a high percentage of minerals in the Earth’s rocks. Muscovite and phlogopite mica are among the most commonly occurring micas.
This story could be titled the evolution from the industrial revolution to the CNC machine age. Elmelin has been around long enough and has evolved enough times to have processes from both. Our core competence is one of reinvention. At its heart is mica.
There have been many reports recently of a chronic skills shortage in both manufacturing and engineering. It’s essential that young adults going into further education are aware of their many options. Particularly if they are skilled problem-solvers.
Mica slip plane at its simplest can be thought of as an insurance policy to protect your induction furnace. Much like insurance, mica isn’t something you need but it is advisable to have.
Cement and glass manufacturing are continuous process industries that require advanced and thermal solutions to optimise their output. Both manufacturing sectors depend on heat for processing. This means they depend on controlling this heat to ensure consistency and quality in their end-products. Thermal solutions for continuous processes centre on furnace lining materials. These include mica and microporous insulation.
It should go without saying that brakes are critical car parts. Our manufacture and supply of mica brake and anti-friction components are part of how we support the automotive industry.
In this blog, we will outline the growing need for high temperature insualtion in the petrochemical industry. The global market in high temperature insulation materials is growing. Statistics MRC has reported that it accounted for $3.6 billion in 2017, and predicting that this figure will reach $7.9 billion by 2026.