Cement and glass manufacturing are continuous process industries that require advanced and thermal solutions to optimise their output. Both manufacturing sectors depend on heat for processing. This means they depend on controlling this heat to ensure consistency and quality in their end-products. Thermal solutions for continuous processes centre on furnace lining materials. These include mica and microporous insulation.
Thermal management for electronics is critical where electronic components produce significant amounts of heat. Where this is the case, effective thermal management will prolong the working life of these components and also increase their reliability. Such components include power transistors, CPUs (central processing units) and power diodes used in the power electronics industry. For thermal management, mica offers adaptability and flexibility combined with high resistivity and stability. As an insulating material which will not conduct electricity, it is well suited in a wide range of applications in electronics.
With rotary kilns, thermal management is the key to improved productivity and reduced downtime, leading to savings in both energy consumption and the cost of repairs and maintenance.