Exploring the benefits of sustainable industrial insulation
Reaching net zero is a goal for many organisations working within the manufacturing or an industrial setting, including ourselves. The movement has already yielded positive results as the number of contributors increases with each passing year. For Elmelin, we are intent on limiting our output of greenhouse gas emissions and continuing to support the hard work being carried out by the likes of the Responsible Mica Initiative to ensure the sustainable sourcing of mica. The industrial sector can have a major impact on reaching sustainability goals, with a noteworthy focus of the SDGs set out by the United Nations being placed on advancing energy-efficient technologies and sustainable industrialisation (SDG9).
Industrial insulation has been a staple for Elmelin over the years and it’s an area we continue to work in. Playing a vital role in maintaining energy efficiency and improving the useful life of industrial machinery, industrial insulation has seen new materials and solutions being developed to further enhance its effectiveness. At Elmelin, we specialise in industrial insulation which is fronted by Elmtherm, an innovative solution that not only reduces energy consumption and carbon footprint, but also has an impressive return on investment. We’ll explore Elmtherm in more detail later but for now, we’ll discuss the benefits of sustainable industrial insulation and why it should be invested in.
Types of sustainable industrial insulation
It’s no secret that industrial settings are notorious for their high energy consumption and environmental impact. From manufacturing plants to warehouses, these facilities consume large amounts of energy for machinery, heating, cooling, and other industrial processes. By adopting sustainable practices, such as investing in sustainable industrial insulation, these facilities can significantly reduce their energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions.
Sustainable industrial insulation can be categorised into two types; one being insulation that is developed from recycled or renewable materials, and the other being insulation that has outstanding properties and directly results in reduced energy consumption and heat loss. We’ve seen the development of unique insulation materials designed to be environmentally-friendly such as harnessing cellulose and natural fibres. These both have excellent thermal properties and the natural fibres specifically are biodegradable.
The second type would be the likes of Elmtherm, i.e. insulation solutions that aren’t necessarily developed from recycled materials, but instead focus on optimal performance to ensure long-term sustainability from an energy consumption perspective. If we were to look at heavy industry, such as large-scale furnaces and foundries, then highly effective and durable industrial insulation products are required. Industrial reheating furnaces, primarily used to reheat the likes of steel ingots and blooms, were found to make up for a colossal 67% of the energy consumed in the steel industry, with a significant amount of that energy being dispelled into the surroundings via combustion gases. Statistics such as these highlight the importance of having effective industrial insulation that can reduce this energy consumption and heat loss as much as possible.
Benefits of sustainable industrial insulation
Investing in sustainable industrial insulation offers numerous benefits for both the environment itself and organisations.
1) Reduced energy consumption: Effective insulation will improve energy efficiency for machinery and equipment, leading to reduced consumption. With energy use being such a major problem associated with the industrial sector, helping to reduce overall energy consumption will play a vital role in lowering energy demand and reaching a more sustainable future.
2) Cost savings: Following on from the previous point, reduced energy consumption directly translates to greater savings from a financial perspective. Less investment will be required into sourcing the energy and the improved lifespan of machinery as a result of industrial insulation means lower maintenance costs.
3) Greater Productivity: Manufacturing facilities, foundries and steel plants can produce more materials and products if their machinery and equipment are performing for longer periods of time with less downtime.
4) Safer Working Conditions: Reduce the risk of malfunction and extreme heat loss with high quality industrial insulation, therefore protecting workers operating the equipment or within the surrounding vicinity.
5) Reduced emissions: Organisations can lower their carbon footprint and greenhouse emissions due to requiring less energy for operations, which is often sourced from fossil fuels. Furthermore, reduced heat loss means better temperature control and less energy required for heating and cooling.
6) Branding and reputation: In today’s environmentally conscious market, consumers and clients are increasingly choosing to support businesses that prioritise sustainability. By showcasing their commitment to sustainability through sustainable insulation practices, industrial facilities can gain a competitive edge.
At Elmelin, we have decades of experience within the industrial sector and have developed innovative solutions for many industries, from automotive to foundry and steel. Industrial insulation is one of our core areas of business and our flagship product range, Elmtherm, is the perfect solution for those looking to invest in industrial insulation that can offer sustainable and performance-related benefits. Using microporous technology, Elmtherm has outstanding thermal insulation characteristics and can effectively control temperatures leading to more consistent results.
The Elmtherm range enables operators to maximise their volume, while offering considerable energy savings and reducing their carbon footprint. Due to the reduction in operating costs for furnaces, the return on investment is notable and its lightweight and compact nature means its easy to transport and install. With a range of industrial applications and four individual grades for specific linings and requirements, Elmtherm is an excellent choice for a modern and highly effective industrial insulation solution.
Investing in sustainable industrial insulation is not only a responsible choice but also a smart business decision. By adopting sustainable practices, industrial facilities can reduce their environmental impact, improve energy efficiency, and save costs in the long run. If you’re interested in finding out more about the solutions we offer and how we could help you, get in touch for a friendly chat.