Elmelin’s CNC Milling Capabilities
Over the last few years, we have continually developed our CNC milling capabilities, investing in a CNC milling machine and the subsequent training, skills development, software and additional resources required to support the complex and detailed machining of our mica insulation solutions. We are now another manufacturing location using CNC milling in London, as we are continuously aiming to remain highly competitive in our local region.
For over 100 years, we have been expertly cutting and shaping mica-based insulation by hand. While our expertise, precision and focus on quality has never faltered, the benefits of bringing automated machinery and processes are clear. We will now be able to precision cut mica insulation at scale into a wider variety of shapes and sizes, quicker and more efficiently.
We looked at a range of options and settled on a 3 axis CNC milling machine. This gives us the ability to cut mica sheets at a thickness from 0.1mm through to 20mm, shaped exactly to client specifications.
This investment represents a significant step forward in our industrial insulation offering. Being able to precision shape and cut our composite and laminate mica insulation sheets and boards will allow us to offer even more tailored, complex and effective solutions to our customers for a range of applications in electrical and thermal insulation.
So far, we have been able to assist our clients with a number of specialist projects:
- Helped to design and manufacture a prototype to house a magnetic sensor and protect from high temperatures, used to measure temperature and flow in large-scale chemical plants.
- Designed and manufactured a range of mica shield solutions for automotive battery packs.
- Created mica shapes for use in the manufacture of high voltage toroids, which possibly went on to be used in space research
We are particularly excited to continue and further our work in the automotive sector – supporting the prototyping and production of mica shields for battery packs. As the demand for electric vehicles increases, as does the capability and power of automotive batteries, creating the need for more sophisticated and innovative insulation solutions. Using our CNC milling capabilities, we will be able to meet more specific client demands and more stringent safety requirements without compromising on performance or design.
We will be able to offer improved solutions to customers in the foundry industry looking for CNC milling in London or throughout the rest of the UK. Precision-cut mica shapes are commonly used for electrical parts such as capacitors used in the servicing and manufacture of furnaces.
Our improved capabilities will also be of benefit to the high voltage transformer and switchgear industry, who have frequent need for precision-shaped mica parts, particularly in bulk.
If you have an insulation requirement or challenge that you would like to discuss with one of our experts, get in touch.