What is the Role of the R and D Department?
When it comes to product innovation and development, or process refinement and improvement, the role of the R and D department is critical.
When it comes to product innovation and development, or process refinement and improvement, the role of the R and D department is critical.
Two of the main routes for businesses looking to innovate through product development are knowledge transfer partnerships and R&D tax relief, but if you want to innovate and develop, which will work best for you?
…A thermal management system involves controlling temperature through technology. This technology is based on thermodynamics and heat transfer.
…Investing in R&D is a practical means of investing in innovation and, ultimately, your future. There is obviously the question of how much to invest in R&D, but also how to invest in it and choosing an R&D partner is integral to that.
…Research and development, R&D, offers businesses a means to grow and thrive by focusing on innovation. This can be about improving processes, developing or refining products, or a combination of all these things.
The UK Government recognises the intrinsic value of R&D for businesses, and consequently it provides tax relief and tax credits for certain types of revenue expenditure connected to research and development.
As specialists in high temperature insulation and thermal management products and solutions, Elmelin recognises the value of R&D for our varied client-base. We also understand that sometimes the whole issue of R&D costs, and what businesses can claim, can be complex.
Here is a brief guide to give you more clarity about R&D.
…Simply following change is not a realistic option for many businesses, if they are to stay competitive. Instead they must be at the forefront of change, and the means to do this is by developing research and development strategies that work.
…Mica is a naturally occurring mineral and there are 37 varieties. However, the two we work with are phlogopite, or green, and muscovite, or white, mica.
These two forms of mica come in sheet form, in two grades, MFSSP (phlogopite) and MFSSM (muscovite). Each of these two forms of mica has qualities that make it suitable for different applications, used by a broad range of industries.
Our phlogopite and muscovite mica sheets are available in flexible or rigid grades, depending on their required use.
…For businesses to compete effectively, they must consider looking beyond productivity and invest in innovation through research and development. The Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) is a cost effective means of enabling them to do this.
…Innovation has its rewards, but it comes at a price. We recognise that, while we can offer a broad range of industrial insulation solutions and products, including specialist prototyping, many businesses need financial support to get to the stage where they can initiate these developments. Research and development (R&D) can be a fantastic way of not only growing your own business, but also growing your industry. But it can be costly. Tax breaks for R&D is a vital part of it, and a huge incentive for many.
For SMEs and others to unlock innovation, they must first be able to identify which research and development (R&D) costs are eligible for tax breaks and funding.